A foster-based rescue in Alberta dedicated to finding furever homes for dogs in need
A voice for the voiceless
Heart Mountain Rescue is a 100% volunteer run dog rescue fueled by a great community.
Our mission is to find furever homes for dogs in need, to prevent overpopulation with spay/neuter clinics & to promote the welfare of dogs through education and advocacy.
Our vision is a world where every community has access to vet care and every dog has a home.
Did you know? HMR is fully volunteer run by power house women including 2 med students, a paralegal, a banker, 2 hair salon owners, a 911 operator, and many other amazing members of society. We are so grateful that on top of their very busy schedules, they choose to spend time helping us rescue and advocate for abused, neglected and injured dogs who cannot speak for themselves.
We are a foster-based rescue. We do not have a shelter facility, but rather, we depend on our incredible team of fosters who give our dogs a temporary home until they can find a furever home.
Sponsor an animal in need
Become a monthly donor and support a foster dog in need:
Sponsor an animal in our care by purchasing an item off our Doodle Dogs Wish List or our Amazon Wish List!
We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without our fosters! Fosters allow rescue organizations to accept more dogs into their care so that they can get the help they need.
When you shop for a dog, there is a high probability that it comes from a puppy mill or backyard breeder. By adopting a dog, you are fighting this issue and are providing a safe home for a dog in need.
Donations fund our mission. Without your help and support, we couldn’t do what we do. Help save lives by setting up a regular monthly donation or a one-time donation!
‘Woof’ you like to be on our team?
Want to help make a difference for dogs in need? Volunteers are the “heart” of Heart Mountain Rescue.
We have unique volunteer opportunities from positions on the foster team, adoption team and vetting team to graphic design, bio writing, events and fundraising or photography.
Please email info@heartmountainrescue.org for available volunteer role descriptions or click below.
We work closely with Alberta rescue partners like Fostering Hope and Pause4Change, with Manitoba rescue partners like K9 Advocacy Manitoba and Save A Dog Network, and with Saskatchewan rescue partners like Nar La Ronge.
Thank you to our sponsors
We are so grateful to our corporate sponsors, including Bluebird Self Storage -
who donates space for us to keep all of our foster supplies used for homeless doggies in need!
To learn more about the Bluebird Cares program, please visit: https://bluebirdstorage.ca/bluebird-cares/